We have received a couple of questions about our classes for this week and we thought we would clear them up!
The $10 cost is for the week, no matter how many classes you sign up for. If there is more than 1 student signing up, we are taking $2 off per student (student #2 would cost $8, student #3 would cost $6, etc.). Payment request will be sent through PayPal (promise it is not a scam!).
You are able to sign up for more than 1 class. We allow this option because we want to create a flexibility in scheduling (and also remember that school work is important...make time for homework).
The Wednesday free class is available to anyone, current student or just interested in karate. All you have to do is sign up.
Each of our classes will be conducted through Zoom. An account will not be needed. Sensei Britni will send directions of how to get onto Zoom when the codes are sent to you Monday night. We do recommend you have a device that has a camera so that Sensei Britni & instructors can see you. This includes a chromebook, cell phone, webcam or tablet.
If you are in need of extra kata practice, Sensei Britni (and possibly other instructors) are available on Friday for a private Zoom chat. Just let her know by Wednesday (Thursday at the latest).
Sign up link: https://forms.gle/4Vmuon4No3M2th5W8
Any further questions? Please comment below or text Sensei Britni at 916-220-8262. Thank you all. We cannot wait to see you!